no doubt, and however much we try to sugarcoat things and situations around us, live and live with day to day world can be exhausting, even depressing. Let's be honest, more than one've wanted to shout: "Stop the world I want to get off", completely isolated or swimming in a sea of \u200b\u200bjudgments and prejudices against humans.
However, beyond which was reflected in every corner of this planet to call home, you should be aware of the irrefutable existence of opposites. Diariamiente man lives between cold or heat, anger or peace, joy or sadness, and so if the odds problems and ugliness of everything exists, because there are his other side: solutions and beauty for example.
My point is not to reach and appeal to a Freudian defense mechanism of suppression of memories, or to deceive the psyche not to fall into internal chaos, what I mean with all this amount of words, whose sentence has in 3 words within it that may well ensure the solution to such internal dichotomies, or at least make this world a better place to live: EXPANSION OF CONSCIOUSNESS.
The expansion of consciousness is nothing supernatural, let alone a sentence of a guru Hindustani is simply opening our minds to alternatives or aspects that may well give another color to things and a different taste to this day living. Nothing can be so terrible that it can not be transformed into its opposite and nothing can be so severe as to not fix it.
The course of the situations is governed by an inevitable change, either the time or the same intention to change the person who finally understands the human being in some way or another that is where it should be or at least things are where they should be. Laws of cause and effect also apply to daily events: "what you sow, you reap.
is why from today I decided to use positive instead, to live it as a constant script creation and projection of my inner world. I once heard a very special teacher to say: "Success lies not in how much you get for what you do, but what you love when you do." It is certainly true as big as the sky.
enjoy, understand the why of things, be our own teachers and observe accurately and objectively, without a doubt will make our internal and external world, the paradise we've always wanted to get.
A happy Monday for all
Sánchez Aymara