THE LEASE II (the conflict)
Failure payment is the most common cause of failure of the lease. In the previous note of warning about the true value of the contract and we anticipate that in this case the consequences will reach also the owner and tenant guarantor.
Already I mean the trials of non-compliance and not a negotiated conclusion of the contract settlement, which is desirable for several reasons the landlord and tenant secured, as by eg 50% can reduce the fees to be borne by each and the last two other expenses of view, of great importance in the final.
However, when it deprives reason in any or all involved, it is necessary to litigate in the courts. In this case is that some accounts will hand raised.
In the previous note I set the value of a minimum monthly rent of $ 760. To this I add that experience shows that generally refers to a lawyer only when the delay is equal to or greater than six months. In this case it is necessary to initiate and continue two trials or judicial proceedings, each of which generates its own fees and costs: a) for the recovery of property or eviction and delivery thereof to the holder or owner b) an executive for rent, interest and penalties owed.
Recovering the use and enjoyment of property by the holder or owner consuming a period of at least nine months to a year counted from the first professional consultation, provided that sufficient security is offered (usually the same building ) and without prejudice to the trial can expend another year. In some other opportunity, I will tell you some reasons for slow justice and therefore unfair.
In the case of the execution for the amounts due for all concepts (implementation of rent), the process can consuming between 24 to 36 months . These times are estimates, since they depend on various factors such as opposing defenses, the degree of slowness of the court you play, the possibility of a transaction, etc.
Assuming that both judgments, eviction and execution of two years rent-heuristics, it is foreseeable that defendants tenant and guarantor (usually the latter, provided that you keep your credit) will face ordered to pay a total of approximately $ 42,000 for principal, interest, legal fees and expenses and court judgments . Also in the event that the guarantee was a building of approximately thirty thousand dollars and it was auctioned experience indicates that the loss to the guarantor will total.
addition, the outlook for the tenant is more serious. No rent to a person who has been sued for nonpayment of rent , besides the loss of the collateral owner.
For the owner or landlord, the picture was more benign, but not optimal . While recover approximately $ 20,000, will have to bear the payment of expenses and taxes for at least a year, the advance fee settlements and costs of the trial, etc., without necessary repairs that cases typically consuming larger amounts than usual.
see, the contract is usual and known, but should be paid attention to the vicissitudes that may occur and, unable to pay, provide for negotiation of a termination by mutual agreement as the most convenient way for both parties , as well, any trial is an emotional cost to the parties that can not be measured in money.
Given the case, hesitate to consult your trusted lawyer.
Carlos Alberto Gemetro
Advocate Bar Association of the Federal Capital
Volume 9 Folio 875 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Argentina Republic
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Concrete Slab Basketball Court Cost
However, the lease has a broader purpose, which is the granting of the use and enjoyment of a thing, the execution of works or the provision a service for a specified price in cash. That object can then be both implementation of a work (eg a painting), providing a service (eg mobile phone) or the use and enjoyment of a movable (for example, an automobile, a combine, a PC) or a building (for example, a house, a shop, a field).
This time we will refer to the location of buildings and within, the housing sector.
contract is usual but misleading, not because they are its terms (although they may be), but because the parties do not notice its magnitude. In this sense, is irrelevant to note that, in general, the contractors put their attention in the monthly rent and not in total agreement. Let
an exercise, consider a low rent of $ 500, Now add $ 200 in respect of expenses and $ 60 for taxes and fees. The monthly total of $ 760 multipliquémoslo for 24 months, sumémosle $ 1,000 (amounting to two months excluding expenses) of commission to the estate and $ 1,000 (ditto above) from escrow: it gives us a whopping $ 20,240, which generally are secured with a unencumbered property.
may be that for some the final sum is not too important, but in case of default generates important implications for both the owner and the tenant.
The left pondering on what was said. In the next post I will discuss the consequences of default for failure to pay (most common) to both sides. Carlos Alberto Gemetro
Advocate Bar Association of the Federal Capital
Volume 9 Folio 875 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Argentina Republic
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Removing The Holgram Drivers License
Before contracts in particular, I should make available some basic rules to follow before signing a contract or buying a thing that can prevent conflicts from happening always bring bad consequences. Let
what those rules.
- not rush. You have all the time in the world to hire.
- Anyone who sells you something or offers a service is not doing any favors , is doing business, from our point of view, legal, seeking a profit.
- You are paying or promising to pay and therefore has the right to request and require further clarification as it considers necessary , do not let that advantage is reversed for his carelessness, complacency or neglect.
- Ask for prior to signing copies of all documentation to sign and take your time to study.
- Ask and note the full name of the seller and any other person involved in hiring.
- Ask the seller to clarify all your doubts and, especially, to tell you where his explanations are written in the documentation or contract to sign.
- If the explanations do not satisfy the seller and the transaction because of the amount advised, consult a lawyer.
- If operating conditions do not satisfy, not feel pressured or be pressured to accept : not sign. Who will always be satisfied.
- Keep it safe all the brochures or publications which promote the offer .
- If the offer or display determines that the property you acquired is brand new, so be required. I have had a case of a purchaser of an automobile 0 Km, who found in the glove compartment of a vehicle a waybill indicating that the vehicle was used as internal "factory" 20,000 Kmts. or have tried to repack a TV for three months it was working all day window to deliver it as if it had no use.
- Carefully check all kinds of accessories available to buy and the conditions of recruitment (especially true for services such as insurance).
- Take timely knowledge on interest rates, insurance and administrative costs that will apply if the transaction is funded.
- In case of purchase of property, ask Advance copies of the ticket sales and writing and applied to the analysis above rules. In the case of mortgage loans is required in most cases the signature of the spouse for not understanding or acceptance of the operation, but to become principal.
- In case of sale of properties financed by the bank, verify that the interest rate is offered by the seller . It often happens that the fixed rate becomes variable and almost all cases the rate offered is the minimum range is increased by fifty percent or more (eg case of a "fixed" rate of 12% offered that writing becomes a variable 12% to 19% .)
Finally, if there is any doubt, before signing a contract ask your attorney trust. Carlos Alberto Gemetro
Advocate Bar Association of the Federal Capital
Volume 9 Folio 875 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Argentina Republic
Before contracts in particular, I should make available some basic rules to follow before signing a contract or buying a thing that can prevent conflicts from happening always bring bad consequences. Let
what those rules.
- not rush. You have all the time in the world to hire.
- Anyone who sells you something or offers a service is not doing any favors , is doing business, from our point of view, legal, seeking a profit.
- You are paying or promising to pay and therefore has the right to request and require further clarification as it considers necessary , do not let that advantage is reversed for his carelessness, complacency or neglect.
- Ask for prior to signing copies of all documentation to sign and take your time to study.
- Ask and note the full name of the seller and any other person involved in hiring.
- Ask the seller to clarify all your doubts and, especially, to tell you where his explanations are written in the documentation or contract to sign.
- If the explanations do not satisfy the seller and the transaction because of the amount advised, consult a lawyer.
- If operating conditions do not satisfy, not feel pressured or be pressured to accept : not sign. Who will always be satisfied.
- Keep it safe all the brochures or publications which promote the offer .
- If the offer or display determines that the property you acquired is brand new, so be required. I have had a case of a purchaser of an automobile 0 Km, who found in the glove compartment of a vehicle a waybill indicating that the vehicle was used as internal "factory" 20,000 Kmts. or have tried to repack a TV for three months it was working all day window to deliver it as if it had no use.
- Carefully check all kinds of accessories available to buy and the conditions of recruitment (especially true for services such as insurance).
- Take timely knowledge on interest rates, insurance and administrative costs that will apply if the transaction is funded.
- In case of purchase of property, ask Advance copies of the ticket sales and writing and applied to the analysis above rules. In the case of mortgage loans is required in most cases the signature of the spouse for not understanding or acceptance of the operation, but to become principal.
- In case of sale of properties financed by the bank, verify that the interest rate is offered by the seller . It often happens that the fixed rate becomes variable and almost all cases the rate offered is the minimum range is increased by fifty percent or more (eg case of a "fixed" rate of 12% offered that writing becomes a variable 12% to 19% .)
Finally, if there is any doubt, before signing a contract ask your attorney trust. Carlos Alberto Gemetro
Advocate Bar Association of the Federal Capital
Volume 9 Folio 875 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Argentina Republic
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Phentermine And Effexor Together
Almost everyone in our homes or offices a copy of these writings, As an exercise I propose: Let's find and examine it together.
first find a paragraph (called a prologue) that lists the names, addresses and numbers of the contracting parties, and the place and date held (these last two may also be the final) and the expression of the will of the parties to conclude the contract.
is followed in almost all cases, the object of the contract eg, buy and sell, give or take on hire, ensuring compliance with the obligations of another, lend and borrow, etc. At the same clause or another then set price and payment terms (how much and when to pay, if you will in cash or shares, if applicable interest, etc..).
is usually set out the consequences for non-compliance, which are written in the form of penalties in principle translated into money, or that may become so measured as lump sum payments, higher rates or additional interest, etc.). . You can also set a third party to ensure compliance of the debtor, obliged to pay in his place if he fails to do so in timely and appropriate manner.
Usually, most of these clauses appear in all contracts for one simple reason: they are essential to its existence. If recapitulate, we have found that those who hire and data, date and place of the firm, which bind the parties, the price and how to pay, the obligations assumed and the consequences of failure, etc.
Of course we're talking about a very basic schematic drawing, which can become extremely complex according to the importance of the business. In all cases advice should advance, but the higher the complexity of this convenience can become imperative need attention.
Do not forget, do not hesitate to consult your trusted lawyer before signing a contract. Carlos Alberto Gemetro
Bar Association
the Federal Capital City of Buenos Aires Argentina Republic
Almost everyone in our homes or offices a copy of these writings, As an exercise I propose: Let's find and examine it together.
first find a paragraph (called a prologue) that lists the names, addresses and numbers of the contracting parties, and the place and date held (these last two may also be the final) and the expression of the will of the parties to conclude the contract.
is followed in almost all cases, the object of the contract eg, buy and sell, give or take on hire, ensuring compliance with the obligations of another, lend and borrow, etc. At the same clause or another then set price and payment terms (how much and when to pay, if you will in cash or shares, if applicable interest, etc..).
is usually set out the consequences for non-compliance, which are written in the form of penalties in principle translated into money, or that may become so measured as lump sum payments, higher rates or additional interest, etc.). . You can also set a third party to ensure compliance of the debtor, obliged to pay in his place if he fails to do so in timely and appropriate manner.
Usually, most of these clauses appear in all contracts for one simple reason: they are essential to its existence. If recapitulate, we have found that those who hire and data, date and place of the firm, which bind the parties, the price and how to pay, the obligations assumed and the consequences of failure, etc.
Of course we're talking about a very basic schematic drawing, which can become extremely complex according to the importance of the business. In all cases advice should advance, but the higher the complexity of this convenience can become imperative need attention.
Do not forget, do not hesitate to consult your trusted lawyer before signing a contract. Carlos Alberto Gemetro
Bar Association
the Federal Capital City of Buenos Aires Argentina Republic
Monday, February 13, 2006
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Under the Civil Code, any contract that is intended to an amount exceeding ten thousand dollars, must be made in writing and can not be proven by witnesses. Also, if it were registrable assets (cars, certain machinery, buildings, etc.) Always be made in writing, as it is a prerequisite for entry in the corresponding public registry. In these cases it is mandatory then sign the deed or complete and submit forms the official agency. This may seem a truism, but I have seen a case in which "bought" a car and the buyer thought he was perfect, but all he possessed was the documentation of the vehicle on behalf of another person (presumably his previous owner) and a simple receipt and what was worse, had left a neat stack of notes to the "seller."
But these contracts do not concern us now, but the traditionally known, such as ticket sales, consumer loan (called each other), location, etc.. Tomorrow
enter a subject. Carlos Alberto Gemetro
Advocate Bar Association of the Federal Capital
Volume 9 Folio 875 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Under the Civil Code, any contract that is intended to an amount exceeding ten thousand dollars, must be made in writing and can not be proven by witnesses. Also, if it were registrable assets (cars, certain machinery, buildings, etc.) Always be made in writing, as it is a prerequisite for entry in the corresponding public registry. In these cases it is mandatory then sign the deed or complete and submit forms the official agency. This may seem a truism, but I have seen a case in which "bought" a car and the buyer thought he was perfect, but all he possessed was the documentation of the vehicle on behalf of another person (presumably his previous owner) and a simple receipt and what was worse, had left a neat stack of notes to the "seller."
But these contracts do not concern us now, but the traditionally known, such as ticket sales, consumer loan (called each other), location, etc.. Tomorrow
enter a subject. Carlos Alberto Gemetro
Advocate Bar Association of the Federal Capital
Volume 9 Folio 875 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Friday, February 10, 2006
Milena Velba Polka Dot
To explain what is a contract, we must necessarily give an overview advance on our legal system. Our law has a base or foundation called the National Constitution, which defines not only the republican system of government, but also establishes individual rights, they will be operational (or apply) to the extent provided by law that Congress enacted to regulate them. This final point has an important consequence which we shall return further: the established rights (life, freedom, voting, property, work, etc..) are not absolute or, put another way, can not be put forward at all times and against all but must have done so and the opportunity to dictate the laws and regulations.
This scheme democratic, republican, liberal, capitalist, has a second key component, the Civil Code, which is the pillar on which underpins all other branches of law. And it is this code that one of his articles states that "... The conventions are made in contracts for the parties to a rule which must be submitted as the law itself ..." Does this mean that us mere citizens, we can legislate? Yes, we can do for the relationship with that person with whom they contract. However, remember that we must do so within the framework of legal order or, which is, according to the established by the Constitution and laws.
In the next notes of this series will address topics such as types of contracts, the parts or sections that are made, how to test, some precautions to be taken before you sign, then turning to the more contracts usual.
Please consult your lawyer before confidence to sign a contract. Carlos Alberto Gemetro
Bar Association of the Federal Capital
Volume 9 Folio 875 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Argentina Republic
To explain what is a contract, we must necessarily give an overview advance on our legal system. Our law has a base or foundation called the National Constitution, which defines not only the republican system of government, but also establishes individual rights, they will be operational (or apply) to the extent provided by law that Congress enacted to regulate them. This final point has an important consequence which we shall return further: the established rights (life, freedom, voting, property, work, etc..) are not absolute or, put another way, can not be put forward at all times and against all but must have done so and the opportunity to dictate the laws and regulations.
This scheme democratic, republican, liberal, capitalist, has a second key component, the Civil Code, which is the pillar on which underpins all other branches of law. And it is this code that one of his articles states that "... The conventions are made in contracts for the parties to a rule which must be submitted as the law itself ..." Does this mean that us mere citizens, we can legislate? Yes, we can do for the relationship with that person with whom they contract. However, remember that we must do so within the framework of legal order or, which is, according to the established by the Constitution and laws.
In the next notes of this series will address topics such as types of contracts, the parts or sections that are made, how to test, some precautions to be taken before you sign, then turning to the more contracts usual.
Please consult your lawyer before confidence to sign a contract. Carlos Alberto Gemetro
Bar Association of the Federal Capital
Volume 9 Folio 875 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Argentina Republic
Wednesday, February 8, 2006
Jager Sausage Dietz & Watson
The generality of people think you are hiring only when you put a signature on a document. However, throughout our life, we engaged in a multitude of opportunities, many more than we think.
The law provides that a contract exists when two or more persons agree on a common declaration of intent, designed to regulate their rights. What does this mean?. We're not only hiring when signed a lease or buying a house or apartment, etc., but also when we buy our food in the commercial district, the supermarket or hypermarket, when loading gasoline or diesel oil to our car, we purchased clothing or appliances, our guarantee loans to carry out the obligations of another or others (the most common case is that of the lease or rental), we go to work in a job, travel by public transport and almost all our activities outside the scope strict our home, rather than signing a document. Tomorrow we
Consult your attorney trust before signing a contract. Carlos Alberto Gemetro
Advocate Bar Association of the Federal Capital Volume 9 Folio 875
Autonomous City of Buenos Aires Argentina Republic
Who wrote this
The generality of people think you are hiring only when you put a signature on a document. However, throughout our life, we engaged in a multitude of opportunities, many more than we think.
The law provides that a contract exists when two or more persons agree on a common declaration of intent, designed to regulate their rights. What does this mean?. We're not only hiring when signed a lease or buying a house or apartment, etc., but also when we buy our food in the commercial district, the supermarket or hypermarket, when loading gasoline or diesel oil to our car, we purchased clothing or appliances, our guarantee loans to carry out the obligations of another or others (the most common case is that of the lease or rental), we go to work in a job, travel by public transport and almost all our activities outside the scope strict our home, rather than signing a document. Tomorrow we
Consult your attorney trust before signing a contract. Carlos Alberto Gemetro
Advocate Bar Association of the Federal Capital Volume 9 Folio 875
Autonomous City of Buenos Aires Argentina Republic
Incontinence Swimming Pants Auckland
"HISTORY? What is that? MORTGAGE
blog, all lawyers, decided not to answer inquiries by e-mail "Capricho? No, it's because of the history. word "rare, no? Well, try to explain it.
The customer always comes with its own interpretation of the facts, coupled in most cases to an emotionally charged. This is characteristic of relations human, always extremely complex, and the facts and events that nurture them are innumerable. For this reason, although each case can be easily framed in legal rules, its diagnosis (I apologize to steal medicine for the word) is unique and requires professional interpretation. Somehow, he applies the saying of medicine: there are no diseases but sick.
For better or for worse, the laws have been framed in more or less general categories of these facts and behaviors and in turn, courts and judges have ruled many times to apply them. However, the analysis of the particular case requires knowledge of the relevant circumstances surrounding it in order to formulate an accurate diagnosis. For example, the non-payment of rent does not generate the same diagnosis if there was a case of force majeure, landlord's refusal to receive or the whim of the tenant, nor is it the status of the guarantor of a contract has been changed without your intervention when it has been said and signed the new instrument.
detailed reading of all history writing, the successful interrogation, responses, both verbal and gestural, the willingness to negotiate before reaching the trial lawyer to help identify the most appropriate solution to the interests of his client, who is their primary function. Without this "face" is very risky responsible to give a professional opinion, except for the few cases where the query can be limited to very general questions.
Hence, this procedure whereby We guide whom we consulted to "make a memory" (in short, that is what the history), is essential and requires personal interaction lawyer and consultant.
Of course checkup is the ideal case, but unfortunately, occurs in very few cases, it may seem, provided large sums of money without even asking a simple receipt, highly complex contracts are signed and values \u200b\u200brather than relevant without even reading them or worse, relying on the words of a seller or even know, without even thinking about paying the cost of a query that is negligible compared to the potential for major injury.
So if you are in this situation, do not hesitate to consult your trusted lawyer. Carlos Alberto Gemetro
Advocate Bar Association of the Federal Capital
Volume 9 Folio 875 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Argentina Republic
Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Wedding Card Basket Poem
If you wish to consult directly with the rules that make the system Mortgage Refinancing, there is a great way we show: the site of the Ministry of Economy . In this place you can see a lot of legal rules in a simple and direct.
To perform the query should go to the right place and click on the voice Infoleg , just under the tab " Info Libraries." Done, choose the search option " a rule" and then indicate the type of regulation sought (eg. Law 25798, mortgage refinancing, "a decree, in which case it must include also the year of signature, resolution disposition, etc.).. After entering data, click on "Search appears and the summary of the law under which you will find the option "Text updated standard." Click there and enter to last
current text
If you wanted to access all the legal or regulatory amendments, you must choose that option.
Of course, any doubt about the interpretation of the text, please consult your lawyer you trust.
I hope you find it useful. Carlos Alberto Gemetro
Advocate Bar Association of the Federal Capital
Volume 9 Folio 875 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Argentina Republic
If you wish to consult directly with the rules that make the system Mortgage Refinancing, there is a great way we show: the site of the Ministry of Economy . In this place you can see a lot of legal rules in a simple and direct.
To perform the query should go to the right place and click on the voice Infoleg , just under the tab " Info Libraries." Done, choose the search option " a rule" and then indicate the type of regulation sought (eg. Law 25798, mortgage refinancing, "a decree, in which case it must include also the year of signature, resolution disposition, etc.).. After entering data, click on "Search appears and the summary of the law under which you will find the option "Text updated standard." Click there and enter to last
current text
If you wanted to access all the legal or regulatory amendments, you must choose that option.
Of course, any doubt about the interpretation of the text, please consult your lawyer you trust.
I hope you find it useful. Carlos Alberto Gemetro
Advocate Bar Association of the Federal Capital
Volume 9 Folio 875 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Argentina Republic
Friday, February 3, 2006
Jc Penny Salon Highlights Prices
Extension of time to enroll in the Mortgage Refinancing System
The Law No. 26,062 , ordered the suspension for a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days on all executions of judgments was entered order the closing of single family housing by eligible mutual met the requirements of the Mortgage Refinancing System and the cap amount as established by Articles 2 and 5 of Law No. 25,798. also reopens for the same period of eligibility for entering the Mortgage Refinancing System.
This Act, whose deadlines expire on March 3, 2006 , was regulated by Decree No. 52 of January 23 of that year.
regard, we can try to answer certain questions about the reopening of the registration period in the trust and discuss the requirements, always with the proviso that responses must be tailored to each particular case.
Who can exercise the option?
In the case of mutual (credits or loans), banks, financial institutions only lenders.
For mutual sector (commonly called "the notary") both creditors and debtors.
Who can benefit?
- those who meet all the requirements of the law and its regulations.
- who are creditors or debtors in a loan of money (mutual) secured by mortgages on single family housing of the debtor, ie, those with a loan secured by mortgages on single-occupied housing and family creditors.
- concerned individuals or undivided;
- that the fate of the claim has been the acquisition, improvement, expansion or construction of housing or cancellation of loans previously taken those destinations.
- that the failure has occurred between 1 January 2001 and 11 September 2003.
- that dwells enable the creditor to execute the debt.
- that the loan does not exceed $ 100,000, for which the law provides for parity one peso = one dollar.
How the Mortgage Refinancing System?
The system is complex, both in terms of understanding in its implementation. It is implemented through the Fund for Mortgage Refinancing, created for the purpose by Act No. 25,798. Not to enter Honduras, say that in this case the trust is a contract whereby the National Government provides funds owned Banco de la Nacion Argentina, so it's available for achieving the objectives of the Act
The assets of the trust (the funds made available) is provided by a trustee (or trustee ") that in this case is the National Bank.
To implement the system, the National Bank updates the mutual (determines the amount of capital in arrears) and proceeds to remove the creditor capital shares outstanding from the date of default until the date of such payment.
Now how do you pay the amounts determined?. We see two cases: a) financial institutions (banks, etc.) And b) private creditors.
In the case of banks and financial institutions will be paid 60% of capital bonds in default 30 months, with 2% annual interest on balances, payable in equal semiannual installments 5. The balance (40%) in ten-year bond at 5% interest on balances in 14 semiannual installments.
In the case of a private creditor would have the option to cash out or subscribe to your credit bonds mentioned above.
Thereafter, the Bank will proceed to the creditor nation, according to the original conditions of mutual and pay the remaining installments of the loan (loan balance) with a bond with the frequency and amount originally agreed upon, not including insurance and administrative costs. In this case, applies the rules to the update rate and interest rate.
With this, the National Bank is placed in the place of the creditor so paid and the creditor holds the mortgage on the yet uncollected.
In turn, the debtor will pay its obligation to the trustee (National Bank) at the branch bank or financial institution that has taken credit (if the debtor bank) or the National Bank branch in which processed the placement System (if private creditors or debtors).
How do the new terms and what are their requirements?
The option must be by a communication to the trustee (the National Bank) in the terms provided in Article 6 of Annex I of Decree No. 1284 dated December 18, 2003.
exercised Option shall be deemed provided if paid before March 3, 2006 and meets all requirements within ninety days of receipt of the notice referred to in the immediately preceding paragraph.
Once these steps, the trustee (National Bank) has sixty days to declare eligible mutual, in which case a summons requiring the debtor to sign the contract.
system and its requirements are complex and time is short. If you are covered by the extensions discussed, do not delay.
Please consult your lawyer you trust. Carlos Alberto Gemetro
Advocate Bar Association of the Federal Capital
Volume 9 Folio 875 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Argentina Republic
Extension of time to enroll in the Mortgage Refinancing System
The Law No. 26,062 , ordered the suspension for a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days on all executions of judgments was entered order the closing of single family housing by eligible mutual met the requirements of the Mortgage Refinancing System and the cap amount as established by Articles 2 and 5 of Law No. 25,798. also reopens for the same period of eligibility for entering the Mortgage Refinancing System.
This Act, whose deadlines expire on March 3, 2006 , was regulated by Decree No. 52 of January 23 of that year.
regard, we can try to answer certain questions about the reopening of the registration period in the trust and discuss the requirements, always with the proviso that responses must be tailored to each particular case.
Who can exercise the option?
In the case of mutual (credits or loans), banks, financial institutions only lenders.
For mutual sector (commonly called "the notary") both creditors and debtors.
Who can benefit?
- those who meet all the requirements of the law and its regulations.
- who are creditors or debtors in a loan of money (mutual) secured by mortgages on single family housing of the debtor, ie, those with a loan secured by mortgages on single-occupied housing and family creditors.
- concerned individuals or undivided;
- that the fate of the claim has been the acquisition, improvement, expansion or construction of housing or cancellation of loans previously taken those destinations.
- that the failure has occurred between 1 January 2001 and 11 September 2003.
- that dwells enable the creditor to execute the debt.
- that the loan does not exceed $ 100,000, for which the law provides for parity one peso = one dollar.
How the Mortgage Refinancing System?
The system is complex, both in terms of understanding in its implementation. It is implemented through the Fund for Mortgage Refinancing, created for the purpose by Act No. 25,798. Not to enter Honduras, say that in this case the trust is a contract whereby the National Government provides funds owned Banco de la Nacion Argentina, so it's available for achieving the objectives of the Act
The assets of the trust (the funds made available) is provided by a trustee (or trustee ") that in this case is the National Bank.
To implement the system, the National Bank updates the mutual (determines the amount of capital in arrears) and proceeds to remove the creditor capital shares outstanding from the date of default until the date of such payment.
Now how do you pay the amounts determined?. We see two cases: a) financial institutions (banks, etc.) And b) private creditors.
In the case of banks and financial institutions will be paid 60% of capital bonds in default 30 months, with 2% annual interest on balances, payable in equal semiannual installments 5. The balance (40%) in ten-year bond at 5% interest on balances in 14 semiannual installments.
In the case of a private creditor would have the option to cash out or subscribe to your credit bonds mentioned above.
Thereafter, the Bank will proceed to the creditor nation, according to the original conditions of mutual and pay the remaining installments of the loan (loan balance) with a bond with the frequency and amount originally agreed upon, not including insurance and administrative costs. In this case, applies the rules to the update rate and interest rate.
With this, the National Bank is placed in the place of the creditor so paid and the creditor holds the mortgage on the yet uncollected.
In turn, the debtor will pay its obligation to the trustee (National Bank) at the branch bank or financial institution that has taken credit (if the debtor bank) or the National Bank branch in which processed the placement System (if private creditors or debtors).
How do the new terms and what are their requirements?
The option must be by a communication to the trustee (the National Bank) in the terms provided in Article 6 of Annex I of Decree No. 1284 dated December 18, 2003.
exercised Option shall be deemed provided if paid before March 3, 2006 and meets all requirements within ninety days of receipt of the notice referred to in the immediately preceding paragraph.
Once these steps, the trustee (National Bank) has sixty days to declare eligible mutual, in which case a summons requiring the debtor to sign the contract.
system and its requirements are complex and time is short. If you are covered by the extensions discussed, do not delay.
Please consult your lawyer you trust. Carlos Alberto Gemetro
Advocate Bar Association of the Federal Capital
Volume 9 Folio 875 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Argentina Republic
Thursday, February 2, 2006
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DID PUT FAMILY AS WELL? Welcoming Remarks
face of " surprises "to which we are accustomed, rather than the
-changing economy of our country, this question will make it and we
with increasing frequency.
What is the "homestead"?
is the legal protection of an urban or rural property by a person or persons owning the ship. By definition, then, can only affect property and not, for example, automobiles.
The property constituted "good family", must have a value not exceeding the livelihood and housing needs of the family, so they are excluded in principle to the high value (eg a hundred rural setting thousand hectares or a mansion more Sans Souci Palace.)
What are the objectives of the law?
The law has two objectives. The first is economic and aims to conserve
heritage within the family. The second is social: tending to
keeping the family together under one roof.
What is meant by family?
law family means the spouse (husband or wife or
owners), their ancestors (parents) and their offspring (children).
In case of no ascendants or descendants, are also considered members of the family
the collateral relatives by blood up to the third degree
-or brothers and nephews, provided that they live
with whom or who constituted the homestead .
Who can be the homestead?
The person owning the property. If the owners (owners) of the property were several, to be written down under this scheme must act jointly and prove that they have the relationship of which we discussed earlier.
To give an example, two brothers can not affect the same property, since they are not blood relatives but they can do similar and two brothers.
I can affect how many buildings?
can only affect a property, whether it is whatever the owner of another or others. This is a consequence of the late ones by the legislature: to preserve the assets needed for support the family home and keep it under one roof.
When did protecting us?
From the time of registration as such in the records of the property that corresponds to the location of the property can not be executed or arrested even in the event of insolvency or bankruptcy, unless the limitations discussed below .
How we protect?
But in the case of a farm, its fruits (crops, livestock, etc.) be seized as long as they are not essential to the needs of the family and in any case more than fifty percent of these fruits. Nor is protected
good, for example, product embargoes against executions for common expenses or taxes on the property or, according to a recent ruling against the spouse's claim for food.
Please consult your attorney with any questions you may have. Carlos Alberto Gemetro
Advocate Bar Association of the Federal Capital
Volume 9 Folio 875 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Argentina Republic
face of " surprises "to which we are accustomed, rather than the
-changing economy of our country, this question will make it and we
with increasing frequency.
What is the "homestead"?
is the legal protection of an urban or rural property by a person or persons owning the ship. By definition, then, can only affect property and not, for example, automobiles.
The property constituted "good family", must have a value not exceeding the livelihood and housing needs of the family, so they are excluded in principle to the high value (eg a hundred rural setting thousand hectares or a mansion more Sans Souci Palace.)
What are the objectives of the law?
The law has two objectives. The first is economic and aims to conserve
heritage within the family. The second is social: tending to
keeping the family together under one roof.
What is meant by family?
law family means the spouse (husband or wife or
owners), their ancestors (parents) and their offspring (children).
In case of no ascendants or descendants, are also considered members of the family
the collateral relatives by blood up to the third degree
-or brothers and nephews, provided that they live
with whom or who constituted the homestead .
Who can be the homestead?
The person owning the property. If the owners (owners) of the property were several, to be written down under this scheme must act jointly and prove that they have the relationship of which we discussed earlier.
To give an example, two brothers can not affect the same property, since they are not blood relatives but they can do similar and two brothers.
I can affect how many buildings?
can only affect a property, whether it is whatever the owner of another or others. This is a consequence of the late ones by the legislature: to preserve the assets needed for support the family home and keep it under one roof.
When did protecting us?
From the time of registration as such in the records of the property that corresponds to the location of the property can not be executed or arrested even in the event of insolvency or bankruptcy, unless the limitations discussed below .
How we protect?
But in the case of a farm, its fruits (crops, livestock, etc.) be seized as long as they are not essential to the needs of the family and in any case more than fifty percent of these fruits. Nor is protected
good, for example, product embargoes against executions for common expenses or taxes on the property or, according to a recent ruling against the spouse's claim for food.
Please consult your attorney with any questions you may have. Carlos Alberto Gemetro
Advocate Bar Association of the Federal Capital
Volume 9 Folio 875 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Argentina Republic
Wednesday, February 1, 2006
Carolina Mitosis And Meiosis Lab
Today I get to you, for the first time, this attempt to disseminate the institutions of law.
The world of law, language, often
incomprehensible to anyone not belonging to the legal community, whether professional or judicial officer
. However, we are all immersed in that world
our daily lives, either as buyers, sellers, members of a family
, workers, etc. and the facts of that life
much as our actions, we will undoubtedly affect.
lawyers not infrequently receive inquiries about facts for our clients, without prejudice to possible solution and obvious to them that could have been avoided by early and timely consultation.
therefore try to address the task of trying to explain this world (not infrequently also feared) and its institutions, in the most clear and common language of citizens, primarily with practicality, in the belief that understanding the rules and operating
strengthens security and legal order and thus the
individual freedom, democracy as a way of life and institutions of the Republic
form of government.
I hope the content of these publications is to your liking, and their
suggestions and criticisms, which will be welcomed in an equal
Dr. Carlos Alberto Gemetro
CPACF T 9 875 º F in January
31 of 2,006.
Argentina Buenos Aires
Republic Contact:
Today I get to you, for the first time, this attempt to disseminate the institutions of law.
The world of law, language, often
incomprehensible to anyone not belonging to the legal community, whether professional or judicial officer
. However, we are all immersed in that world
our daily lives, either as buyers, sellers, members of a family
, workers, etc. and the facts of that life
much as our actions, we will undoubtedly affect.
lawyers not infrequently receive inquiries about facts for our clients, without prejudice to possible solution and obvious to them that could have been avoided by early and timely consultation.
therefore try to address the task of trying to explain this world (not infrequently also feared) and its institutions, in the most clear and common language of citizens, primarily with practicality, in the belief that understanding the rules and operating
strengthens security and legal order and thus the
individual freedom, democracy as a way of life and institutions of the Republic
form of government.
I hope the content of these publications is to your liking, and their
suggestions and criticisms, which will be welcomed in an equal
Dr. Carlos Alberto Gemetro
CPACF T 9 875 º F in January
31 of 2,006.
Argentina Buenos Aires
Republic Contact:
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