I hit the post I posted on the blog Bio Jet Lag:
I come from the concentration condemned the murder at the hands terrorist organization ETA two people yesterday in Mallorca. In bold type "murder" and "terrorist" because those words are unfortunately still taboo or at least hard for us to say openly. I could care less who were civil guards, it seems more important, as I write this blog, noted that young were very young.
Once again, I was embarrassed verify that the average age in the concentration was about 55 years. I did not know how to interpret. Do they demonstrate in public against a gang that kills and terrorizes in the name of Euskal Herria requires maturity? Or should we expect that within 30 years are only four cats ready to take to the streets to express their weariness?
Match the last two attacks by ETA (apart from their horrid 50 years) with a presentation on progress of a report revealing that Ararteko 15% of Basque youths between 12 and 16 are not rejected or justify the violence of ETA, while another 14.8% are indifferent or not defined. have made very dramatic readings on the results I do not know if I share. This type of study on the attitudes of adolescents tend to be scary, either those related to gender equality, sexual diversity and immigration. I do not think youth is insensitive, but largely repeated the arguments you hear in your environment and considered most popular (still more comfortable to call queer sign partner to demand respect), while a larger part still does not dare to express their convictions. If there is something that concerns me is the silence.
And to think of great measures to break this silence, I think the solution is for adult people and, indeed, the girl (with whom the teenager was identified more) try to make small daily actions to standardize open defense of human rights, also when it comes to ETA. For example, in my school, each time ETA murdered, was a tiny group of teachers who are concentrated in the courtyard and the other people looked at with disdain. There is no doubt that honored them, but I think more effective spontaneous comments in class. Ie can not be a Basque terrorist organization killed a person and in the classroom no mention be made of this and its social, political and ethical. That is to educate.
therefore believe it is the responsibility of all citizens visualize our unreserved condemnation. And there he is doing, even among youth and using the resources offered by social networks. Many of my friends from Facebook have replaced their profile by EZ-ETA ETA message NO. A friend has posted on his wall a message that I liked much:
BAKE BEHINGOZ EMAN. Ez nazazue salba. I may be saved. I DO NOT SAVE
belongs to a blog, I DO NOT SAVE , which the author, ETA kills every time, published a similar post from yesterday:
Atzo 40 zauritu Burgos. Gaur bi hildako Mallorcan. Salbatzaileek Euskal Herriaren ulertzen halaxe aldeko diplomazia dute. Ez zaituztegu Behar. Ez zaituztegu nahi. Eman bakea behingoz! Ez nazazue salba. Yesterday
40 injured in Burgos. 2 dead in Mallorca today. So understand diplomacy for Euskal Herria the saviors . I do not need. I do not want. Leave us alone. I may be saved. 40 Injured in Burgos
yesterday. 2 Killed in Mallorca today. That's how Our Saviors UNDERSTAND diplomacy in favor of Euskal Herria. We do not need you. We Do not Want You. Leave us alone. I DO NOT SAVE.
That Do Not save me has spread like wildfire through social networks, another example of the usefulness of these to facilitate a more dynamic kind of activism and independent.
I said, since this blog is about youth expression, encourage the Basque youth to break the silence and speak out against this savage and systematic violation of human rights that is weighing the welfare and living in our society.