Armenia, Colombia Colombia
Since I learned that in Colombia there is a town called Armenia an enormous curiosity overwhelmed me I got quench by chance. We were in
Pereira, in the heart of the coffee, giving a workshop at the university. Thought after spending a couple of days doing a tour around the city. Our plans changed when he meets Claudia, mother of Maria Teresa, the organizer of the workshop. Claudia lives in
Salento, a beautiful town, very touristy due to its colorful houses full of craft shops located in the neighboring department of Quindio, also in the coffee. She has a farm that grows herbs, an activity that combines with various social work projects aimed at promoting the empowerment of rural women in the region through the arts. We said we could not stop going to Salento and convinced us. We caught the bus, the vallenato are sweet, eager to detox from all the noise and pollution of Bogota and Pereira. We found a charming traveling companion, an Indian musician and mystic, but that story I reserve it for another time. Total
that after meet in Salento Claudia told us: "What do you think an interview at the college radio of Armenia? Is for the only program with a gender perspective in the department. "How do you say no to a request like that? We hardly had time to leave your luggage in the guesthouse and have a coffee before getting back into another van heading to another city.
"Why is it called Armenia?", as we had occasion to ask. For those who inhabited this region were considerably enlightened. So, to found the capital of Quindio in 1889, far from resorting to the name of a virgin , wanted to pay tribute to victims of the war that was happening in Armenia.
Armenia Colombia is known as "the city miracle." We were told it was because of how well they recovered after the earthquake of 6.2 magnitude on the Richter scale that hit in 1999. It amazes me now read on Wikipedia that killed 1230 people. I suppose that given the magnitude of the disaster, the figure is much lower than expected.
actually just saw the city, but we went to the University of Quindio to conduct the interview. Was for an environmental program led by environmentalist Nestor Jaime Ocampo, which Xatlí Murillo, journalist and close friend of Claudia, has a space that incorporates a gender perspective. We had to record on recorder and a drop in blood suspended the program. The good thing is that during the wait we chat with Jaime and Nestor Xatlí, two university professors charming, passionate about environmentalism, we spoke of the evils suffered by the region, as desertification due to the massive cultivation of exotic species of pine. Nestor Jaime
told a feat, so please check now traced (I love Google) has become popular. He bought shares of the multinational Smurfit paper to stand on its shareholders' meeting in Dublin and report that they were profiting at the expense of committing two separate crimes ecological Quindío. Meeting
a report that tells the whole story. I copied an excerpt: "The fact [the intervention of Nestor Jaime in the shareholders'] recorded in profusion on the radio, newspapers and the Irish television, was unexpected achievements and the famous rock band U2, led by Bono, was involved in the debate, when it was discovered by the multinational bad habits inserted a group photo in their publications, making it appear as guarantor for the management of the multinational. Néstor Jaime wrote to Bono and the group condemned the action of Smurfit. To conclude this part, say that the demand established by the powerful Smurfit against Nestor Jaime Ocampo succeeded: environmentalists demonstrated against the Colombian justice system that claims were backed by proven facts. "
a luxury for hearing this story in the voice of its protagonist, and to know him and to Xatlí, a pioneer report on the nexus that unites feminism and environmentalism. Thank you both.