Slide through my mind When the Solutions come from the weirdness
sometimes do not you ever thought that being different can be the solution? do not you put time to consider the different version of your destiny and your experiences may be the true meaning of this?
If we think about why we're here or what we're here, I would spend the rest of our lives searching for an answer that may never get ... but what about what is happening to us? What role to play here?
Many people in the wake of fear, have been commissioned to fit in a huge group of patterns, shapes and forms to be so general (not just judge describe), an infinite number of routines, physical, attitudes and ways of thinking that are part of a large group of "same."
What if you were different? What if you were so different and breaks the mold? What if for the first time on the planet you dare to be someone more like yourself? The Difference
things are things, how different, in the unusual ... try to think at some point and ask yourself what if I dare to be different today?
is important to be aware of the role played by our societies. Every day we are socially pressured to fit into those molds imposed upon us as "ideal beauty" and that affects us even from childhood.
This could lead to disorders known as anorexia and bulimia, which have a common factor, converting food into the force that controls their lives.
Today one can speak of food addiction, which showed the uncontrolled consumption of food, which would be accompanied by withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety and irritability when they stop drinking.
In the brain there are common pathways that are responsible for the sensation of pleasure derived from consumption of substances such as food and drugs, as well as behaviors such as sex , gymnastics, video games or internet.
Referring exclusively to the food, we have repeated and excessive consumption of sugar may raise brain receptors for dopamine , a substance produced in the brain when we experience pleasure, similar to what happens to drug abuse. Studies in people with neuroimaging techniques, can see images of the structure and functioning of the brain and indicate that there are similarities between the physiological response that occurs in anticipation of a tasty meal and drug abuse and that dopamine is released in the same brain regions.
Clinically, there is an intense desire to consume food or particular food type and it is difficult resist. Finally comes the "binge" during which there total loss of control and consume large quantities of food in a very short period of time, then comes a period of guilt and repentance, usually occur purging such as induced vomiting, eating, laxatives or do excessive physical exercise .
The word bulimia means hunger comes from the Greek ox and Boulos (bous, ox, limos, hunger) . The disorder appears in late adolescence, unlike anorexia that appears early in this phase. It is characterized by a voracious appetite that forces the sufferer to overeat at certain times.
The eating disorders can cause heart and kidney problems and even death. It is important to get help early.
Women are more likely than men to have eating disorders. Usually begin in adolescence and often present with depression, anxiety disorders and substance abuse.
treatment is interdisciplinary and includes supervision and treatment by a medical specialist in nutrition and other specialist psychological support. As with all addictions work in "Network", this means it has the support of family and friends to cope with treatment and aftercare.
Orthorexia: The other side of the coin
All extreme behaviors are harmful to health, we saw the fatal consequences of overeating and not eating.
is also unhealthy eating improperly such as excessive consumption of fats and lead an unhealthy life without practice exercises, the other side of the coin is, or addiction orthorexia healthy food when it becomes pathological and becomes an obsession.
These people will never eat a food with no warranty whatsoever without additives, that is organic or contains fewer calories. Are people too often obsessed by the waves from mobile phones and microwave ovens. The clothing should be entirely natural and sports every day is a bounden duty. Also, do not relate to almost anyone who is not also in the same environment of health concerns. Consume natural supplements to treat or prevent all ills, among other substances that make your Vidda turn it around, becoming pathological.
For should take a balanced and healthy life, create good eating habits and encourage the practice of sports, always family.
"All I have is over my whole body. I have toes. I have fat wrists. My eyes are fat (fat eyes Can you imagine?) " Woody Allen, Stories without feathers, P. 79.
Anorexia is a type of Feeding Behavior Disorder, one of the problems of anorexia, is undoubtedly face in the mirror and returning the person to a world of insecurity and fear, are terrified to increase weight and live an eternal search unattainable thinness, accompanied by distorted perception and delusion of his body, this can act as a snow ball aimlessly forward and it is getting bigger, until it became an untenable situation both to the patient and family.
can "google" and find a number of photographs of women with skeletal bodies, almost cadaverous, and his message will only alert parents of a potential victim of this disease, the victim and will never reach it is a psychiatric illness whose origin is in the brain.
This makes the treatment is so complex, it requires an interdisciplinary team which act together a psychiatrist specializing in the issue, a school psychologist and a psychoanalyst, cognitive behavioral school and a medical specialist nutrition all working together to benefit the patient.
Since most people with this illness do not seek help, report to parents, relatives and friends who are aware of what certain warning signs, such as:
Start a decrease their weight by fasting and reduced food intake, usually initially suspended carbohydrates, then fat, protein and even fluids, leading to cases of extreme dehydration.
These measures may be added other associated behaviors such as use of diuretics, laxatives, purging, induced vomiting or excessive physical exercise.
If you suspect that your teen may be starting a problem of anorexia:
Take it to a specialist psychiatrist in the field to evaluate your case and to help them.
Parents should spend time together sharing a day where you talk and acaricide
Parents should lower the level of demand, order and rigidity.
must refer to it by extolling the positive aspects of your person and not discuss their problem with others in his presence.
Remarkable feminine values \u200b\u200b
The parent must bow to his daughter his feminine side, this is its sensitivity, intuition, emotions, etc.
She should talk to your daughter on your pass from childhood to adolescence and from adolescence to adulthood, avoiding comment on the fears of menstruation and relationships with boys.
Make meals pleasant moments with your family, create simpre habits such as eating lunch together at the table and stay if you can eat together after doing something creative with it.
Edit Algua day routine that has a favorable shift to cognitively learn that change can bring good things.
Give them responsibility
to feel that she has control over some things
These are just some guidelines recommended when detected early the disease, we must understand that anorexia is a serious disease that can take the patient to death, which is why the importance of early consultation with a specialist.
psychoactive substances activate the mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway, but each does so through different mechanisms.
The mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway is located in an area of \u200b\u200bthe brain known and midbrain and is the most involved in the ability of dependence-producing psychoactive substances.
The cell bodies of these neurons send projections to brain regions involved in emotion, thought, memory and planning and execution of behaviors.
The nucleus accumbens is an important brain area that is involved in motivation and learning and in pointing the motivational value of stimuli. Psychoactive substances increase the release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens and believes this is an important event in the reinforcement.
has been shown that the path mesolimbic dopamine is heavily involved in motivational processes, which means that the brain attaches particular importance to stimuli recognized as important for survival.
The motivation is the allocation of attentional and behavioral stimuli according to their predicted consequences.
Incentives are stimuli that elicit a response based on their predicted consequences. In
dependence, psychoactive substances repeatedly activate the motivational systems of the brain that are normally activated by stimuli important as food, water, danger, and the couple. With
Chronic use of marijuana is described the "syndrome amotivational" where the person loses ineteres for life.
Neurobiology of Addictions, Learning and Behavioral Neurobiology and Behavior
The development of dependence can be considered as part of a learning process in the sense that the interactions between psychoactive substances and environments associated with them produce lasting behavioral changes.
stimuli associated with food, water and the couple, they activate specific pathways and reinforce behaviors that lead to achieving the respective goals.
Psychoactive drugs artificially activate these same pathways, but very intense, leading to increased motivation to continue with this behavior.
Thus, the dependence is the result of a complex interplay of physiological effects of substances on brain areas associated with pleasure, motivation and emotion, combined with learning about the relationship between substances and related signals them.
The brain is tricked by substances that can get you to respond as if these stimuli and were biologically related to them necessary.
As exposure is repeated, the association is becoming stronger and produces a behavioral and neurochemical response growing. This is known as sensitization the incentive, and consists in the fact that psychoactive substances and stimuli associated with their consumption, for example where consumed, the people consumed, the music you hear when conume, are increasingly more motivational and behavioral .
Through associative learning processes, motivation to consume drugs may be strongly activated by stimuli (environments, people, objects) from the use of the substance, causing the intense desire that can beat the person and have re- take the substance, even after long periods of abstinence.
Men and women seem to need to be looked at and approved by the other: either at home, at work, with friends, on TV, no matter where the body is always the main protagonist. The problem is that the daily demand can lead to people taking more extreme measures curiously become commonplace in societies like ours.
Excessive physical activity, coupled or not to use drugs in order to enhance physical performance, may lead to vigorexia or muscle dysmorphia. This is a disorder that attacks the psychic sphere in addition to feeding behavior and affects men whose obsession is to get a body "indestructible", which includes the fantasy of success and power. The vigorexia is considered a kind of addiction "nontoxic," also called "non-drug addiction" because it affects their behavior and others is reflected in problems with their family, social and labor due to addictive behavior.
Usually, the sufferer of this condition, see him as very small, fragile or weak, although it is actually the opposite. Then sought a development of your muscles and this attempt may appear different physical conditions such as injuries of muscles, tendons or bones. There is also a disparity between different parts of the body including the trunk and head or trunk and lower limbs and mental health problems such as anxiety or depression.
It is the opposite of anorexia, which is more common in women, where the body is perceived as too bulky and permit to achieve skeletal figures often put at risk the life of the person. The common factor in both diseases is the error in the perception of reality, this means they do not see what's in the mirror and your mind says something else and his behavior is conditional on that.
input is vital to family and friends to detect a problem, that person who spends hours in the gym many times failing to do important things such as eating, attend family gatherings or work, and seeks social approval, asking one or a thousand times to the other how it looks and always believes that one must continue to work other muscle, it can accompany the intake of substances that potentiate their physical performance, such as anabolic steroids, which have a number of effects adverse, complicating and endangering the welfare of that person.
currently becomes essential care and containment of a physician specialist in the field of addictions and with the support of family and social networks, are able to overcome this problem.
The treatment is basically to make a record the subject's cognitive behavior and thoughts, to Educate thus the effects on their daily lives, that's when you can give behavioral patterns, such as gradually reduce the number of hours that the gym. And to deal with cases where the patient perceives reality differently, ie in the mirror is thin, weak, when in real life, just the opposite, since it has hypertrophied muscles, then it is necessary to administer and monitoring of psychotropic drugs with your doctor.
In the best case, the patient fails to recover by extensive treatment in four months, however, monitoring is important at least six months and that for this type of addiction may be to resort again to the problem if they have medical advice from a specialist. Additionally, both the family, as friends become very important support at this time, where acceptance and love is essential to carry out their lives in full and healthy.
Lost semester of college to devote themselves to video games. He played the night until dawn and sleep until noon. Hannibal did
routine. Shifted its obligations academic background. His attachment to the games affected their family relationships, social and college. speaks of the loneliness he felt when his friends no longer wanted to keep playing with it and virtual friendships forged while playing on the Internet and the classic consoles. "Just thinking about what I had stayed level or the images which appear in the online game. And did not attend family reunions. " It cost
admit to a specialist, who came at the insistence of his family, video games occupied most of his time. "Now is sporadic, I prefer not to play. Anyway I know it's a recreational activity with friends. Do not spend more than an hour a week and only if no other plan. " This addiction to video games is included in the disorder of impulse control.
VERNIMMEN Paula Aguirre, psychiatrist, addiction specialist, defines these disorders such as loss of control over their own behavior in using the Internet, for example. Symptoms include uncontrollable desire to connect all the time and the deterioration of social relations. are people who spend hours at the computer, game console, unable to emerge from the social networks, instant messaging, chat rooms.
"sleep little and badly, and some put off lunch and dinner. Others prefer to eat in front of the keyboard at the family table. "
important thing is to know when the desire to play or connect to the Internet is difficult to control. Cristobal systems analyst, lost control from the moment he decided to prolong their working hours at the computer.
"Apart from having to be in the computers for work, I got into Forums of all kinds: sports, political, music. Sometimes created fictitious names in the same forum. To participate employed discussed four names and sometimes myself. "
became obsessed with those who disagreed with him and considered enemies.
went so far to investigate the lives of those who felt attacked him in the forums.
"I stayed up late thinking of how I could respond messages. "
Most of his colleagues live with technology and are not dependent. "I was developing this disease."
need help from a psychiatrist and underwent the entire treatment. No change of profession. Your challenge is to do his job and not spend more time online.
"No matter how long I'm on the machine but how to use that time. I will fight all my life against this. " Paula
VERNIMMEN warns that treating people with addiction to technology does not include the use of drugs. The specialist asks his patients to develop a written record of how time spent browsing, chatting, playing online and what did not do to stay connected so long.
This register is read in the presence of the patient. The purpose is to assume that it is difficult to break away from their activity.
Not only must recognize the problem, it is also crucial to identify which factors influence the uncontrolled use of Internet. The challenge is to relearn how to make moderate use.