Where are the vandals? Bad
Each time I have more clear that the gender perspective is essential to understanding virtually all social reality. The centennial of the feminist work has enabled much progress in analyzing the impact of different policies, trends, etc.. on women. The Equality Act Basque even urged that any action by the Basque institutions to measure the different effects it will have on women and men.
However, the part of men is very green. Industrial accidents, drugs, violence in general, pedophilia (this deserves a separate post) ... There are many problems with man's face, closely related to the values \u200b\u200bon which male identity is constructed. While that is still not recognized, it will be impossible to articulate effective policies.
's companion men's movement for equality has Bacete Ritxar an essential first step, naming the press the relationship between youth violence and the construction of male identity. What does showing that while we searched dozens of sociological explanations of what happened in the riots of Lekeitio and Pozuelo de Alarcón, nobody noticed a reality so obvious and overwhelming, that all young people both in Bizkaia and in Madrid was spent cops chasing pump and causing damage were men. I hope you enjoy his article, published today Deia and Diario de Noticias de Gipuzkoa , and we discuss it. Where are the vandals? A feminist look at Pozuelo de Alarcón Lekeitio Imagine a research team from the University of Venus was found Sunday night, chances of the cosmos, making a comparative study of the habits and customs of the people of Pozuelo de Alarcón and Lekeitio. When it comes to an anthropological analysis, figure out what excites me or do the aliens and try to harness the power of alienation of someone coming from far away and not in the habit of normalizing the gross insolence always involves violence. The research group would have encountered alien juveniles in detention, violence, injuries, attacks on police, smashing, strong sexist insults, police charges, burning cars and containers? How would you explain what happened?
If guided by the opinions and theories Earthlings managed by specialists (street, academia or politics), the twins find displays of violence-Alarcón Lekeitio have been motivated by excessive alcohol intake, the "climate political ", over the welfare of youth, rebellion against the established order, lack of education limits the crisis, unemployment, violation of right to self botellonero or leisure?
Vizcaya Mayor linked the brawl to the "barbarism and violence inflicted by radicals" and " global warming that the country has suffered during the summer, "while his counterpart in Madrid attributed the riots to" a group of lunatics out "and pointed that the riots were" an isolated incident. "we know too well that global warming has little to do with violent options each (which are his alone, free and non-transferable) and hardly an event featuring more than 200 youth can be an isolated event. One commentator has pointed to the economic crisis as a key factor to understand what happened, something difficult to explain in one of the municipalities with higher income per capita in the state. A nineteenth-century sociologist talks mustache Alcohol and Mr. Urra, former Ombudsman for Children and José Antonio Marina, the importance of following the serious events are known punishments, so that other young people are encouraged to do the same.
may Venusians one of the researchers, dissatisfied with these explanations, asked: "How many women were arrested? How many protagonists of the violence and why men are the vast majority of people both in Euskadi in Madrid are the protagonists of violence and why over 90% of persons convicted of crimes are men? " And the greatest epistemological turn would when asked: "Is that the planet Earth, women are in danger of extinction?"
My goal with this little literary license is to propose a feminist twist to our attention that allows us to notice the obvious but invisible. How is it that in any gathering mentioned something so obvious as in the images of both incidents and arrests in the list there are only female presence? Why not there? Is that on Sunday night the women spent the holidays and stayed home?
In our society, the legitimation of violence is still persisted as a central element in the construction of masculine identities. No doubt, understanding and treating explain any social phenomenon is highly complex and not be simplified, but gives me what I think and generates unease that the link between masculinity and violence is denied, concealed or invisibilice systematically. Sure delegitimize violence at all levels would put on the wound, questioning the strange, poisonous, invisible patriarchal root which continues to support our reality, both in the social and the personal sphere.
If Lekeitio-Pozuelo events have been led by young Romanians, SSA, "transvestite", "whores" in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwithout papers or anti, the diagnosis would be clear: "Were the others." Our static cultural codes, our enzymes simplifications of reality, are full of prejudice everyday give us quick answers and comfortable like that. But once again, the problem is in the "we" as "normal" and "our" as in life, go. And that normalcy is structured on the basis of sexism, and the allocation of roles and different expectations for men and women. We can not and must escape from this debate, because what happened in Lekeitio-Pozuelo is faceless, gender bias and role: it is ultimately a consequence of the hegemonic model of masculinity. And to show an ethnographic button: You know that you shouted at the policemen who were trying to hide one of the men who recorded the incident in Pozuelo? "Gay, who are all about homosexuals." No comments.
However, gender analysis does not appear on official releases and is invisible in the gatherings. So, ignore the lowest common denominator in both situations: young men use violence against people and things. The persistence of male violence is a verifiable fact both quantitatively and qualitatively. Why does not investigate, you name and put light on the mechanisms that make some young men choose on a personal and collective violence? What fails? What's behind? Why do not generalize equality policies aimed at promoting change in men towards more egalitarian and peaceful? As Simone de Beauvoir wrote in The Second Sex, "not born a woman, is done." With men, young and Pozuelo Lekeitio, same thing happens: they are made. That is the question we should ask: Why is our society continues to produce men who believe a legitimate use of violence?
Any act of violence, to be exercised by supposedly noble motives, needs a legitimating discourse, "the police charged," I'm depressed "," drank "," Young attacked first, "" no future "," we need more iron fist. "Gandhi is often remembered as an alternative to this trend, but it strikes me that perhaps an even better antidote to build peaceful relations, protest and caregivers between people are feminist theories and practices. In two centuries of struggle, feminists have transformed the world, making it better, without burning containers or spilling a single drop of blood.
* Anthropologist and Social Worker. Member of the Movement of Men for Equality