debate chemical castration, that is, thinking that a rapist inject hormones to reduce their testosterone levels is a solution to prevent re-offend. This means admitting that sexual assaults have a biological cause: the biomachos are victims of uncontrolled increases testosterone, which are responsible for having recourse to satisfy their uncontrollable desire to forcing a female.
CAN NOT PREVENT SEXUAL ASSAULTS Without understanding how an expression of power in a sexist society
who does not understand that rape is a form of some men to subjugate women and reaffirm its power, not be able to launch effective preventive policies. It is a matter of hormones but of power. It is known that many rapists were not even raised. Rapists are not mentally ill with excess testosterone. The one who is sick is this society that continues to educate men to exert power over other people and that is teaching women to be available, serve and care of sexual gratification are the goals that give meaning to their existence. What will
what next? Will the testosterone also involved in the murders macho (uncontrolled anger)? Do we think that a male transsexual or a bio-woman as Beatriz Preciado is administered testosterone can be a potential rapist?
I am in favor of the free movement of hormones. That everyone (at least minor) chute is what you want. Whether the violator Preciado turn to try to clean his conscience (a few that have not achieved). From what I am not in favor is that an autonomous government biologist advocate a solution to a serious social problem as that of male violence. And even less to support the arguments of those poor violators to see if they can not control who ask to be hormones (you grow boobs and everything! stop being a man! look to what aberrations are ready to submit!) not to sin again.
With that headline, the Government will save deepen the problem with a serious comprehensive perspective and helps to clear his conscience rapists blaming everything on a hormonal imbalance. I can think of few actions more irresponsible. I repeat:
How many killed and raped more women are needed for the political class to know?
How many killed and raped more women are needed for the political class to know?
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