Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jenna Jameson Size Matters

You know that the Government of Patxi Lopez has proposed doing away with the symbols pro-ETA on our streets, which has caused a few incidents in the Bilbao Aste Nagusia. Well, I'm going to throw a comment:

is a sensitive issue for me, because I live in Bilbao La Vieja, one of the neighborhoods most plagued Bilbao posters and graffiti (for example, Txeroki Askatu ) and even two facades beyond my building is a huge painted with the symbol of ETA. Yes, I have the misfortune to see everyday the fucking snake and ax. I hope that soon, because today I have decided to call the Ertzaintza to request the deletion. I'll tell you.

However, I think the Government has mounted a counter Paripe. I sincerely believe that political marketing has given priority to efficiency. Do we need so staging? I have not seen so much symbolism in the streets of Bilbao as this year so (and look which sucks) I somewhat agree with Egibar . One argument that has convinced me is that the efficiency will come when those who dedicate themselves to pass the bill painted them astronomical fines convince them not to return to their old ways. Sounds good, but I do not tackle the real problem.

In my opinion, the message needs to be placed on a minority that does advocate violence, but a majority still do not feel able to distance himself from it and criticize it in an open and standardized. I think the important thing is to make childcare so that more citizens like me to call the police for graffiti to erase or remove the bitter sign them every day. Moreover, we must awaken from anesthesia that people who do not support ETA but for those symbols go unnoticed, perfectly integrated into the urban landscape in which they grew.

hateful fundamentalists will always exist. I think the key is to make it the citizenry to demand openly and forcefully advocating freedom from terrorism. To express our outrage with the same ease that when we find a swastika or posters misogynist anti-feminist revolution that swept Bilbao recently. Start a sign that offends us, put a NO ETA on Facebook or express our pacifist convictions and for human rights when it comes to speaking the so-called Basque conflict no longer small revolutions daily.

Today a fellow blogger Jet Lag Bilbao has posted a video on a performance in which people intended to wear a shirt with the legend ETATREGUA. I await your opinions.

Friday, August 21, 2009

How Long Does It Take To Heal From A Spleen

Zero Tolerance Report on transsexualism impeccable

I am outraged that a transsexual adolescent psychological treatment that has the authorization their parents and doctor to perform a sexual reassignment process also need to ask permission from a judge. A judge is not necessarily an expert on transsexualism and, probably, without a gender perspective. You may even play a judge with transphobic prejudice. I was wandering

thinking about these things when I found an article on the subject surprisingly flawless. It is signed by Emilio de Benito in THE COUNTRY. The first pleasant surprise is that it speaks of female transsexual and assigns a name of a woman, Mary. It is the first I've heard in the media refer to it according to the genre that has chosen to live and not to sex with that nation. The second pleasant surprise is the diversity of sources to which go, not just the usual doctors, judges and politicians, but a number of collective-rights of transsexuals. The third and probably most unexpected surprise is that it introduces the discussion of gender dysphoria: giving voice to those who argue that transsexuality is not a disease.

Without further ado, I invite you to read: Judges

doctors stuck

Emilio de Benito
A judge is holding facilitate or retard that Mary, 16, have a normal life. The young transsexual (name) has been in the past year and a half hormones to have the woman's body with which it identifies. Surely dresses and behaves like the girl who feels it, even if it cost him to change school and a rejection that has led him to attempt suicide. Now it has requested authorization to go further surgery to modify masculine traits with which he was born. His family and doctor agree. But that is not enough.

The image is of Guerrilla Travolaka

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How Much Does Mandap Cost

these days is 3 years Ellipsis. You see I am not at my best time blogger, so much to desire not blow candles make great balance sheets and tributes as usual. I'm trying to make me the sea brisilla charge batteries to recover the pace in September.

helps me in that good purpose input Nan recently published. I'm sure you identificaréis with much of what it says: a mixture of fatigue, insecurities and dreams that mark our life blogger. I hit the second half, but I encourage a lot read the entire entry. It is mostly an excuse to talk about how we feel on this adventure we share. What better way to celebrate three years?

fatigue blogo
I get into the blogosphere to learn of the human being and to build bridges. When they cut me from the other side or make tenders, now low and now I go, I notice that I have cut a piece of me. But the truth is that we tend to tire: all. A doubt what we are doing. The why, what, how, when. All that shit that makes us fear that we are looking at the navel and leads us to abandon the action for now yes indeed, remain idle watching the navel and toes. There is also causes "reasonable", like mine, heh, heh, I have expanded both the field due to time I find it hard to follow who want to follow. And then real reason the prudent abandonment of the job as an advance reading and review of "my" blogs. Against that you can not say anything down their time. Personally, the jersey stop "giving of self" and begins to looks ridiculous, with the oppressed and those arms panzota should not continue to grow but grow (or decline wool clump together). But doubt and let ourselves be affected by the relentless attack that often throw some, which is the second sub-theme:
blog's Exhibitionism
We even believe them, we fear and we cut. Well, all blogs "mine", or in yours, I find a speck of self-esteem. What would you expect? But there is no showing of "but how cool / cool am. " There will be one of those, but I have not caught any. We are people who communicate well what we are, often throwing faults. Or communicate our literature, which is like naked. So what?! So we know and love. Praise, sometimes excessive, often come in the comments. What's strange? Speaking from my experience, I frequent each have 20 I've known and rejected. How can I not to worship those who have chosen? When I comment, I do led by affection but also by the enthusiasm based: it is like rereading your favorite authors, but in doses so small they can not get enough. Each one is like, but there are those who have to meet. I bet, to a greater or lesser degree, you are like me a long time my favorite action has been talking with friends, tell how you are, what happens to you, discuss it. And in return, make voyeur and I counted them, trying to reach the innermost fibers could. It was well and made me be even more so. Is not that what we do on blogs? So what nonsense is this exhibitionism and voyeurism? Our nature is communication, which brings me to the third sub-theme:
blog's Friendship
And I mean a real friend, a virtual hug sometimes have been realized. The blogosphere is where most of my friends. Real friends. When something happens to me restless and I write, and when I notice "under" do the same. Physical meetings have all been happiest, without exception. I feel accompanied and I know you feel the same to you. It's a real blessing. To which is added a real and verifiable improvement in our writing. What more? Conclusion
can not be other than accept the tiredness when they occur. Slow down or go away a little time to recharge. It's the same with real friends (and do the actual writing out of the blog). Sometimes we tend to solitude and introspection. But the key to so many good things in one word: persistence .

Monday, August 10, 2009

How To Read Dimensions Of Product

the blogs I go up the Do Not testosteronaaaa

seems to me extremely dangerous
debate chemical castration, that is, thinking that a rapist inject hormones to reduce their testosterone levels is a solution to prevent re-offend. This means admitting that sexual assaults have a biological cause: the biomachos are victims of uncontrolled increases testosterone, which are responsible for having recourse to satisfy their uncontrollable desire to forcing a female.

CAN NOT PREVENT SEXUAL ASSAULTS Without understanding how an expression of power in a sexist society

who does not understand that rape is a form of some men to subjugate women and reaffirm its power, not be able to launch effective preventive policies. It is a matter of hormones but of power. It is known that many rapists were not even raised. Rapists are not mentally ill with excess testosterone. The one who is sick is this society that continues to educate men to exert power over other people and that is teaching women to be available, serve and care of sexual gratification are the goals that give meaning to their existence. What will

what next? Will the testosterone also involved in the murders macho (uncontrolled anger)? Do we think that a male transsexual or a bio-woman as Beatriz Preciado is administered testosterone can be a potential rapist?

I am in favor of the free movement of hormones. That everyone (at least minor) chute is what you want. Whether the violator Preciado turn to try to clean his conscience (a few that have not achieved). From what I am not in favor is that an autonomous government biologist advocate a solution to a serious social problem as that of male violence. And even less to support the arguments of those poor violators to see if they can not control who ask to be hormones (you grow boobs and everything! stop being a man! look to what aberrations are ready to submit!) not to sin again.

With that headline, the Government will save deepen the problem with a serious comprehensive perspective and helps to clear his conscience rapists blaming everything on a hormonal imbalance. I can think of few actions more irresponsible. I repeat:


How many killed and raped more women are needed for the political class to know?