can say that an adult is abusing the Internet when connected more than three hours a day, in adolescents this limit is in two hours if there is also sleep deprivation at least 5 hours. A person surfing the internet prefer to have other social relationships such as family meals and go to any social gathering, when this happens we may assume that a person is at risk of addiction and other important aspect is to consider the network constantly.
in virtual social networks like Facebook can come into contact with many people who do not know physically therefore not have access to them and this in particular attracts those who just have a network formed and tend to be overexposed to known, this involves sending photos of all types and chat.
The new technology allows a single "click" a person can quickly inhibitions, may create false identities or taking a self-image that does not correspond with reality which generates an emotional tension that promotes addiction.
Internet addiction tends to affect people psychologically or age are most vulnerable.
A group to be given special attention are young because they meet risk characteristics such as external impulsivity, need for new relationships and low self esteem. One of the clearest indicators that are falling into a dependency is the inability to control the time it is locked and the only treatment for this addiction is to avoid risk factors.
No must have a computer in his room
Nor must navigate alone.
is important to see who has an addiction affected as soon as possible.
Parents who fail to rectify the situation should see their doctor. 37 percent of children said they felt the need to connect often, 30 percent have provided their phone on the network, 15 percent have met strangers, 7 percent did not advise anyone, and 9 percent of cases the person with whom the child was not what was expected.
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