Friday, April 29, 2011

How Many Calories In American White Cheese

Wedding Beautiful Real ... What Reality?. Birth and Death of One News.

Katherine Middleton and William of Wales

From the early hours of dawn, the world awoke to the great news that Prince William of Wales and the sweet and envied Catherine Middleton gave himself to the world, further strengthening the tradition that has belonged to the UK from centuries ago to marry a Catholic, and obtain a title of nobility.

Beyond the cultural expression of a nation that was ruled by monarchies, beyond the anxiety of Englishmen to see his new princess. The rest of the world, especially the female audience, looked at the cost of tune it was, the royal wedding.

is understandable in my opinion, Catherine Middleton (Katherine), a woman who is apparently as any in the world married to a man whose position and presence materialized fairy tales have been acquired in the world for hundreds of generations "... She married the prince and lived happily ever after ...", is the projection of sleep over a girl, living the dream.

However, beyond the presentation of an event that has been given the character of "World", in parallel there other events that should not be ignored ... regrettably (and not wanting to generalize) does not exist in most need to focus attention, analysis of situations and treat me as bad as the war in Libya, the volcanic eruptions in Ecuador, the radioactivity in Japan, floods in Colombia and that to name a few.

seems that the dynamics of the news release them when passing through a life cycle as any being on the planet: They are born, grow (through several deliveries in print, video, radio character, etc), breed ( in various aspects or consequences that may apply) and die as part of the huge archive of oblivion to the public. Bringing

as pertaining to some news, the time for the first time the controversy arose from H1N1, imposed a state of emergency in one part of humanity, bringing extreme security measures and an attitude of excitement by the different nations pandemic. However, more than 25000 people die daily in the world because of hunger What pandemic, large and significant than that?.

My point in all this, and after bombarding them with so many words, is that attention is diverted dramatically from the news that we really affect as a society, as human beings, as nations. It is also necessary to fantasize with our repressed dreams of opulence and romance perfect, focus our attention and reflection to the most immediate problems we as members of a society, a country in the world.

Thank you for your time dear readers. Sincerely

This humble writer

image taken from:

Seaworld Leather Bracelet


We just steal handles patio door neighbors in our community. Two brass handles simple but together with many others, the cash value of their weight, the model alien friend will report the wages of a day.

are not the lyrics to report the theft, but it reminded me that in my village all the houses were made of open and respect for what the other was almost a customary rule. You going to the field were leaving the key over the bar inside of door. If you were at home and the door was like this.
"Aunt Manuela are you out there .... I need a loaf pan until he comes the baker ...." (The neighbor heard the shouting and within the portal)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

How To Get Cat Hair Off Of A Black North Face

The lunar calendar governing the celebration of Easter this year coincided with the feast of St. George. Holidays for many, those who do not understand the crisis. I noticed that the city is less burdened with the conclusion of such splendors than other years. The crisis has dented the celebration of the feast. The party in the streets has reduced prácticamnete the placement of flowers to make up the flag of Aragon at the feet of Justice. Of course, those who were there strove hard to place red and yellow carnations weaving the tapestry of our flag. "Lady, that flowers are for the flag ..." Oh Justice! if you're not careful you remove the flag.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

How Thick Is Pool Coping

Easter. Presences. Alhelí

Although some of my friends says he is deaf, I do not think so. Hear is that you know very well, but you may go like me, you hear other sounds avoid when crossing the road. Sometimes I could not hear the sound I want because of that desire, and say: "I am deaf." Easter is the presence of sounds and silences. If you do not hear, do not you think you're deaf, thinking that what you hear is silence. Silence is the sound they hear not. Easter is the presence of the divine and the pagan, you can hear the sound you want or the silence. Play something else.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Wife Dreamed I Cheated On Her


We are in the Easter and some, the most holy, the wallflowers of my garden have dressed for the procession. They wear purple robes, the new spring has given them. Their cocoons are ready to burst into drums sounds the same color. The noise they produce, if not silent, you can not hear. Recógete inside yourself and enjoy the procession that gives you life in this holy week of spring.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How To Make Tea With Damiana

Cathedral. El Burgo de Osma I.

El Burgo de Osma (El Burgo de Osma-Ciudad de Osma) is a municipality and town of the province of Soria, head of the judicial district of El Burgo de Osma, autonomous community of Castilla y León, Spain. It is located in the Tierra del Burgo. From the standpoint of the Catholic Church hierarchy is part of the Diocese of Osma which, in turn, belongs to the Archdiocese of Burgos.
La Ciudad de Osma is the early medieval historical center, while El Burgo de Osma is the neighboring village, Villa declared of Tourist Interest in 1962 and a Historic-Artistic Site in 1993.
In 2010 the population was 5,287 inhabitants, 2,639 men and 2,648 women

"The Cathedral of Burgo de Osma is a gothic-style building that replaced a previous Romanesque. Construction started in 1232, also shows other stylistic contributions, concluding with the neoclassical (1784). Like many other English cathedrals of the thirteenth century, was dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin. "

" The main entrance of the Cathedral of Burgo de Osma is opened at the southern end of the cruise. The bottom of the cover consists of a series of blind arches formed by trefoil arches raised on a low podium. These arches serve as base for the sculpture of Moses, the Archangel Gabriel and the Virgin form the scene of the Annunciation on the left and the Queen of Sheba, Solomon and Judith on the right side. Mullion is located in El Salvador, set in place in 1482 to entreaties of Cardinal Mendoza.
Death of the Virgin and the Assumption are represented in the doorway, standing at the feet of the apostles and the bedside of Mary. The tympanum is decorated with a vase of lilies on a stand-nineteenth-century design and some are three archivolts with squires and maidens wearing liturgical books and instruments, the elders with musical instruments and a host of angels crowning the Virgin. A fourth archivolt decorated with plant closes the set. "

Artehistoria Ref. Wikipedia

Monday, April 11, 2011

How To Sell Oregano As Weed

Breathing techniques and body search for stress

We live in a stressful environment, either because we drive to the office, the precautions to be taken by insecurity, or the endless daily responsibilities, the proposal is to find answers "alternative" because when the stress state is prolonged in time can have negative consequences for the physical, mental and emotional: the immune system is Vulnerable and begin to show symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, depression, and in some cases to cause severe pathologies.

Prevention should be aimed at avoiding situations that cause stress or anxiety, but usually work environments there are circumstances that can not be modified or, alternatively, may be the case that a situation that is not particularly stressful, since the objective point of view, is perceived by some as an attack by increasing their level of stress and anxiety As a consequence, lowering its yield. In these cases, in which is specially designed to use specific techniques of breathing for the person to achieve a state of mental harmony, inner peace, and a body and a healthy lifestyle to reverse the negative consequences of stress.

Breathing is the only sense we can not suppress
we first birth is breathing and
last thing we do when we die is to exhale.

The breathing is not particularized in a body, and acts affect the whole organism level, therefore, practiced consistently over time contributes to lower blood pressure and regulate breathing pattern is altered during times of anxiety.

Shallow breathing, abdominal, contributes to emotional balance and, through its practice, it is possible to generate calm the spirit and to heal the body of possible conditions. Breathing plays a central role in this process because it is the link between mind, body and spirit.

The key is to body search and training and learning breathing techniques, in order to use this remedy to the stress and anxiety. Through the practice of body search, you can reduce the psychological vulnerability to stress and its consequences as it promotes physiological response that triggers the body's natural healing. By knowing the body, it is possible to identify the signals that it sends, to prevent many of pathologies that may occur if the stress and anxiety are prolonged in time.

course to a stimulus or negative emotion, the spontaneous response may not be the most appropriate and favorable to the person you suffer the consequences, so to use the resources learned from the breath, the person can control their emotions better thoughts and behavior. These techniques are taught to manage the effects of stress and, through different techniques, the body creates an awareness also helps to heal, to harmonize their responses and behaviors.

Breathing is the most economical choice in the world.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Face Cleanser With Salicylic Acid

Japan: A Model of Sobriety and Height

Consequences of First Earthquake in Japan

Japan cradle of a unique culture, philosophies of life and the most consumed products in the world. Makers of automobiles, fashion patterns, life style, music, almost a rule restricted in a small archipelago that includes among its members more than 120 million people.

In recent months, said the seismic nature of catastrophic magnitude, the duration was 2 minutes. This seems to some extent an idea for a science fiction movie or a Hollywood director given to make use of the cliché of "end times" for his hero and ultimately sow the seeds for the super human.
not, earthquakes, tsunamis, disasters and death of many souls ... collapse of many homes, history, human beings suffer the loss in every way ... are not looking for words referring to a drama, even a tragedy in every sense of the word (tragedy and drama does not have a relationship here).

Tragedy and drama has no bearing on the subject, and Japan showed from the first second earthquake to the sun today that inner strength, organization, culture and richness of mind manifested in a total calm before such a situation.

The images speak louder than words (carrier the cliché again ... sorry) Not a single body, not a single example of anarchy, distress, or an expression of pre-occupation ... just deals, they took action on the matter and only induced by the natural desire for instant retrieval, searching for ways to resurface.

Yes, it's a world away, spent 3 minutes watching CNN one or another image to go to our realities ... however, make the test: Let us in our daily conference events and think What would we do in a situation like this? What to do when an earthquake and internal unexpected collapse our schemes of life? What to do? What's Not do?.

Thank you for your time reading this

Your humble writer.

image taken from:

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Prayer For Enlightenment On Thesis Defense

Cherry blossoms. And Haikus

Effigies silent
candied cherries. Time

author: Atreyu

Geisha cherry blossoms
dawns in his Kimono

Author: Leticia Garriga

Cherry blossom and moon flashing:
tribulation wife. Promise

fruit branches adorned the earth sings

The haiku, haiku derivative , is a short poem of three lines of five, seven and five syllables respectively. It is one of the forms of traditional Japanese poetry most widespread. His topic is connected with nature.