Monday, April 11, 2011

How To Sell Oregano As Weed

Breathing techniques and body search for stress

We live in a stressful environment, either because we drive to the office, the precautions to be taken by insecurity, or the endless daily responsibilities, the proposal is to find answers "alternative" because when the stress state is prolonged in time can have negative consequences for the physical, mental and emotional: the immune system is Vulnerable and begin to show symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, depression, and in some cases to cause severe pathologies.

Prevention should be aimed at avoiding situations that cause stress or anxiety, but usually work environments there are circumstances that can not be modified or, alternatively, may be the case that a situation that is not particularly stressful, since the objective point of view, is perceived by some as an attack by increasing their level of stress and anxiety As a consequence, lowering its yield. In these cases, in which is specially designed to use specific techniques of breathing for the person to achieve a state of mental harmony, inner peace, and a body and a healthy lifestyle to reverse the negative consequences of stress.

Breathing is the only sense we can not suppress
we first birth is breathing and
last thing we do when we die is to exhale.

The breathing is not particularized in a body, and acts affect the whole organism level, therefore, practiced consistently over time contributes to lower blood pressure and regulate breathing pattern is altered during times of anxiety.

Shallow breathing, abdominal, contributes to emotional balance and, through its practice, it is possible to generate calm the spirit and to heal the body of possible conditions. Breathing plays a central role in this process because it is the link between mind, body and spirit.

The key is to body search and training and learning breathing techniques, in order to use this remedy to the stress and anxiety. Through the practice of body search, you can reduce the psychological vulnerability to stress and its consequences as it promotes physiological response that triggers the body's natural healing. By knowing the body, it is possible to identify the signals that it sends, to prevent many of pathologies that may occur if the stress and anxiety are prolonged in time.

course to a stimulus or negative emotion, the spontaneous response may not be the most appropriate and favorable to the person you suffer the consequences, so to use the resources learned from the breath, the person can control their emotions better thoughts and behavior. These techniques are taught to manage the effects of stress and, through different techniques, the body creates an awareness also helps to heal, to harmonize their responses and behaviors.

Breathing is the most economical choice in the world.


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