Let's be honest, it's cheaper, has the ability to improve the face of the face, breaking the ice in awkward situations, you fit all the world, there are people who need it, there are others who fear giving it ... is the best proof that the odds do not have collapsed and are still underperforming in all that I have lived: SMILE.
A smile is not difficult to give, is required only moving a few facial muscles and ... and most importantly, move the provision of at least make a difference with a gift like printed in our faces.
A smile has the ability to make someone feel good, to relieve fears, insecurities, tenderness, sadness, is the best medicine can be and is FREE. Too often we are stranded in a myriad of things, routines, moments, moments, you stop counting, and this neglect contributes to erase the idea of \u200b\u200ba smile.
all have the power to paint the picture of our life, we are co-creators by nature so powerful that instrument called free will that many things are done because of us ... occasionally it is worth adding to that pinturita the unique brilliance of a smile ... dare, it is easy.
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