Just 3 days after November, it is inevitable that no matter what time factor siemper have an opportunity to learn many things. Here are a few:
- No matter under what concept or what perspective you are not forget to smile: I can carry the sin of cliché and I can be writing the same thing I have read a thousand and one times, and is that a simple phrase like this means a complete and absolute truth: "If something has a solution Why bother? and if it is: Why bother?, regardless of the situation or person and too dark to see the picture, the smile has medicinal power to counter anything.
- If you have expectations of the people live in a sea of \u200b\u200bdisappointments: Just like that, without any drama or woman remains resentful. Lords in any area of \u200b\u200binterpersonal relationships (husband, boyfriend, dad, mom, picture, romance, friend, friend, etc etc etc) expectations the side effect of producing a disappointment to some extent may be incurable in future relationships. However, as is necessary to have expectations in some part of our life is necessary to have expectations of a single being: SELF.
- Do good ... but neither abusing you: There's a fine line between being good and being p. .. , Many know but few have been implemented, and that is why more is not left to swim in the perfection of balance and know very well when you help someone without getting totally decadent.
- Nothing is certain, however much we cling to: Although there are a thousand and one ways in your mind to retain that position or that person, inevitably transfomer are present, take over your life and you even notice you give. That's why that must be prepared for any battle that is being addressed in your field of life.
- effectiveness, common sense, ethics and love can not be endangered aspects: Curiously, these aspects should be as commonplace in this world are in their ddefecto most unusual and surprising and when a carrier of these qualities are a freak, that is why it is preferable to 10 million times to be "the black duck from the lake."
- STRANGE and proud of it: In view of the anterior aspect, being "strange" in the environment in which it operates is not for nothing objectionable (at least that directly affect another person) and that in view of the masses and the parameters that have attempted to individuality and uniqueness of each human being, occasionally dissonant aspects have the common people are not more . Even this "rarity" in you whether your music, your attitude, your likes or the way you dress can give you that touch of variety to this concrete jungle.
- Amato ABOVE ALL THINGS: Love "oh how nice (a) I am" or "I am a spectacular" it is in this regard. Lords is a matter of having some respect for oneself and never subjected to extreme situations, as well as being unfaithful obligating yourself to do things that no one wants. Love is a very broad concept of thousands of faces, it becomes a way for each person and why to provide it, begin to have it within ourselves.
is why and many other things that this humble writer, aspiring journalist has decided to translate one or another idea that has slapped consciousness so far this month. Smile, shake your tastes, enjoy the most, and only you are the only painters of his truth. Until then.
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