You boot or you tight ... are the words I said sweet baby in January but the wise Professor mortals succumb to the watch diary of a year to which we attach all of your expectations, promises and others: 2011.
Certainly the laws of cause and effect are adamant that we call life, if you want something, fight for it, but get it as MOVE or else ... Grandmaster January I will punish the corner boredom, frustration, hate both routine and shortage of what you want ... but I share in your table of life ... forget that the beloved Mr. result ever come to visit.
Sometimes we are like a mouse in maze ... with an infinity of promise and aspirations we hope to realize at some point but ... actually do? How big is the determination or at least the organization of that morass you call a mental world in order to realize your dreams ...
What is needed? What does it take to finally fulfill the dreams they swim from one side to another on the psyche and that because "the circumstances allegedly drown us" can not be done? And would be time to heed the Lord month of January ... at some point things have to change ... but only up to you ... oh man co-creator and writer of the book itself in your life ... Destiny is written in pencil ... delete it and re-writes and so desire.
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