Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sauna New Jersey Bathhouse


1. Background:
A Code is a set of rules or precepts written and arranged, which refer to a specific topic.
Ethics applied to a profession or professional ethics, is the part of philosophy which reflects on the correction of acts performed in the exercise of the activity for which they have been enabled, subjects of a given science. The purpose of the Ethics is morality, this is the nature of goodness or badness of human acts.
The Ethics, we believe, is the ethic of duty and behaviors that are bound to respect in their relationship, the subject of a certain social activity.
The Code then deals with issues pertaining to the professional performance of psychiatrists about their patients (Ethics), and the relationship or link between professionals (Ethics).
was in fact a sum of principles to be taken into account when considering the professional conduct regarding a patient, or in its relationship with colleagues.
The existence of a Code of Professional Ethics does not make the most virtuous moral values \u200b\u200bare in each of the subjects and will not be shown, secured or determined by any particular code.
Ethics and Codes of Ethics must not become instruments to determine penalties, because it would institute manuals then decide what should or should not be done, along with the appropriate penalty, facts already covered by specific codes regulate society: Civil, Commercial and Criminal Law. Therefore, thinking in disciplinary proceedings or sanctions applied to ethical principles, transform the Codes of Ethics in legal rules, which is not their primary objective.
not be incurred in the mistake of believing that manuals should be considered or processed in the field.
be accepted as dogma that ethics is built day by day, case by case, so should not fall into the trap of generalizing their definitions.
Codes sought to bring confidence to the people who potentially can demand attention, which they interpret their existence ensures among other qualities, competence, accountability, reliability and professional loyalty. For
the professional codes of ethics and deontology can alert them about the moral aspects of their work that may have overlooked or simply ignored. It is also a security, for regulating the conduct of members of a profession excluding those who do not belong to it, protecting them from external maneuvers.
Ethics Codes prescribe what is basically a professional must meet regarding the morality of their actions, the limitation of the text does not excuse to behave the best you can.

2. Ethical principles:
The psychiatrist-patient relationship with a mental disorder, presents with respect to other medical specialties, a fundamental difference. The relationship in science that are based on the biological means, generally, the possibility of an active and rational subject-patient, who has the insight to make their own decisions, a situation not met in the psychiatric patient.
The analysis of patient-provider obligations falls on Bioethics biological specialties, because the subject is the object comprises the actions and decisions taken on the physical body of the subject.
In the case of patient with mental disorder, where the very nature of the disease affects the capacity or competence, partial or total, to assume fully and decision criteria for their actions, establishing a connection other than, as is precisely the area affected noble subject, the brain, where ideas are developed, affection, etc. in short, the freedom to be capable and independent person.
is why it is preferable to call ethics applied to the psychiatrist-patient relationship with mental disorders, as Psicoética.
Psicoética The triad of fundamental ethical principles or is based on charity ("primum non nocere": first is not to harm), this is no cause to do good evil; not about choosing the lesser evil, but we must strive for "good possible autonomy, defined as the ability of everyone to behave according to the principle of independence, freeing itself from others, and justice, includes the acceptance of the rights and obligations of individuals, which tends to give everyone his due.
2.1. psicoéticas minimum standards that determine the conditions to be offered and respect for the professional relationship are:
2.1.1. Confidentiality: respect the trust during the consultation, where private aspects relate to the belief that they will remain in reserve, not transcending. Is homologous to the responsibility of medical confidentiality.
2.1.2. Truth : mutual obligation to exchange without concealment or misrepresentation, the information necessary to produce such material therapeutic relationship. There is a line of what is said, with what feels or thinks.
2.1.3. Accessibility : a way to make the communication or information exchange, so that is understandable the level of the patient ..
2.1.4. Fidelity: quality that is transmitted and motivates a firm hope in the correct behavior of who will not betray the trust. Meets the principle in the Hippocratic Oath in the sense that everything will be therapeutically for the good of the patient.
2.1.5. Consent: pose with responsibility and knowledge of the scope, consequences and possible complications of treatment in a rational way so that the patient accepted it, expressing its will without limitations.
2.1.6. Diligence: qualification to lead to timely care, when considering that exceeds their personal capacity. Implies an obligation to continue care until the effective assumption by the psychiatrist who continue with the case, which must be documented as providing all information necessary.
2.1.7. Responsibility: tending to reinstate the practice of medical consultation among specialists, when subsequent events necessary to collate the therapeutic approach, requiring a second opinion.
2.1.8. Honored: personal attention during the therapeutic act, shall be based on respect for the content and form of relationship to be maintained at all times. This includes the correction for verbal expression, manners measured, how to present with adequate hygiene and clothing, and very low profile and reliable, paying constant attention to the demands of the patient.
2.1.9. Competition: care in training and appropriate training, determined to respect the needs of the care provided is in the optimal level of science required to offer at the time of use.
2.1.10. Respect: rights, beliefs, customs, race and personal values \u200b\u200bof the patient.
2.1.11. Fairness: professional attitude manifests for equality, peace and constancy of mind.

2.2. The vices should not develop or be incurred by the psychiatrist, are
2.2.1. Inexperience : incompetence or lack of power and authority to resolve as art.
2.2.2. Neglect cavalier attitude that determines a dedication to neglect or inadequate care of the cases is an obvious lack of application to them.
2.2.3. Recklessness: lack of wisdom to choose the therapeutic option that is most convenient to neglect the necessary precautions.
2.2.4. Prejudice: evaluation made prior to knowledge of the theme that is in treatment, judging by a timely and without having adequate knowledge of the matter.
2.2.5. Abuse: misuse of the information relied upon; ridicule or harm to the patient who, because of inexperience, naivete and neglect, has given her confidence, but also implies exploited using the hierarchical ascendant gives the profession (sexual abuse, humiliation, subjugation) and the transference situation.
2.2.6. Collusion: agreement between professionals based on the helplessness of the patient, and taking advantage of the therapeutic relationship and dependence, to achieve an improper benefit or enjoyment that is shared: money, goods, etc.
2.2.7. oversupply: neologism used in medical audit, for reporting the performance indication excessive or unjustified referral consults, which will produce a profit for the professionals involved.
2.2.8. Subprestación: neologism used in medical audit, to express the effectuation of professional acts according to incomplete indicating their technique or patient need.
2.2.9. Conditioning in professional practice: should not be subordinate personal moral or ethical principles, to demands or benefit, whatever their nature.

3. Ethical principles:
3.1. Safeguarding the public image of psychiatry as a specialty of medicine.
3.2. The preservation of the prestige of the partners incur no personal disqualification or disloyalty for personal or professional issues to colleagues, patients or people in your group of belonging.
3.3. Respect schools, theories or principles to practice professional colleagues, undertaking to inform the Ethics Committee when they have no scientific basis.
3.4. refrain from complicity and concealment of irregularities of any kind, based on loyalty misinterpreted.
3.5. Ethics Committee Report on the presumption or evidence of physical or mental incapacity to practice of a colleague, with the intention of assisting in the care of their health.
3.6. inhibited to prevent, condition or limit the practice of colleagues.
3.7. incur no abuse of authority taking advantage of driving charges.
3.8. Avoid unfair competition in the form of ads, promotions unreasonable fees and privileged, or devaluing the suitability or fitness of others, setting up the doubt about the honesty.
3.9. Do not make the distortion or falsification of professional background, whatever their destination.
3.10. No usufruct illegally usurp or studies or research results are shared or others.
3.11. Keep professional treatment at the level of quality to be professional social referents are the real specialty, with the qualification and consideration should mutually.
3.12. respect the professional and specialized in litigation or appearance.
3.13. maintain an adequate level in the professional information is provided to another couple, both in content and in form and presentation of the case.
3.14. obligations and conditions to patient consultation report which is under the care of another professional, to communicate to him the waiver of the continuation of treatment, or its willingness to conduct a consultation.
3.15. assist, collaborate, educate and train colleagues, in person or through communications, publications and courses taken through scientific societies.
3.16. not influence the exercise of the profession or their own moral or ethical requirements and potential benefits, whatever their nature.

4. Ethics Committee:
a) has as its objective the administration and management of ethical issues presented for consideration other members or individuals concerned. Is comprised of professionals who are elected by the membership, the number of three (3). Of the proceedings will be public information, keeping the relevant register and file of the proceedings. The Ethics Committee will enable a file that would normally be available to its members, which meet the case material, work and contributions that relate to their performance. This will keep updated on issues Association ethics and ethics that arise and require decisions or attitudes-sometimes reserved and other publications of the Association or its members.
b) The Ethics Committee members are nominated by members, and its renewal is automatic after a period of three years, except waiver can occur at any time, or complaint for lack moral, that will encourage the removal from office as instructed an investigation carried out by other members of the Committee.
c) The eligibility requirements for the Ethics Committee are:
* 15-year-old title, with no less than 10 years membership of the Association.
* Career and staff objected not to be tested as the application period, during which they will publicly display the history of the applicant.
d) Presentations (complaints) shall be in writing, identifying the complainant. It will require the release of the accused also in written form, and if necessary, personal interviews were conducted individually or in the presence of both parties.
e) Members of the Committee may excuse to intervene, where they possess some degree of commitment to the member whose conduct is in study.
f) The Committee takes decisions whose main purpose is to highlight the failure of moral standards that are the mainstay in the "ethos" of psychiatry, this is all those attitudes, specific ethical standards, and ways judge moral behaviors that characterize it as a sociological group (França-Tarragó).
g) The decisions contemplated, taken in ascending order are:
* Note: advice, counsel invitation to take caution in their actions.
* Admonition: reprimand or counterclaim. There is a moral position by the facts, to the effect that it consider the need to correct and prevent recurrence of the facts alleged against him.
* Suspension: temporary deprivation of the associated character. The period is evaluated by the Committee according to importance, repetition or aggravating fact considered.
* Expulsion: permanent suspension of associate status, by determining that involved moral conduct does not conform to the moral foundations of the institution.


Briefly physicians must have common sense and act responsibly, be courteous and respect the patient, caring for over all health.
This holds an appropriate physician - patient relationship, where the results are optimal for both.


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