Ingredients for two 750 ml bottles.
500 grams of grenades. 750 milliliters of liquor. 250 milliliters of sweet anise. 200 grams of brown sugar. 100 ml mineral water. 1 stick of cinnamon. 2 cardamom pods.
Preparation: Shelling
the large cross-section and hitting each half cut side down over a bowl to collect the grains.
pomegranate Pass through a blender (if you do not have, by the hand mixer) and filter through a cloth strainer.
Prepare a syrup by mixing sugar with water, cinnamon and cardamoms, crushing the pods.
Cook it all for 5 minutes. Mix the syrup with the pomegranate juice and cook it all together again for 5 min. more.
Add the brandy and anise. Bottling the liquid in a sterilized container, cover tightly and marinate at least 2 months.
After this time, to filter the liquor passing to another bottle. Ref
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