get the words to encompass 3 months of no posts in this blog is a difficult task. However, we can say that the causalities of this world woven finished to give a lot of material to describe in few words so complete simplicity of our planet. Recently
nature manifested His power once again to earthquakes and under circumstances never intended. Each day that passes, the word weakens to print the facts and fiction of any Hollywood film work ends materializing into a reality that, although we see, affects us all.
Earthquakes, tsunamis, nuclear reactors, ingredients that demonstrate how the planet's elemental majesty reminding express how small and fragile we are. Beyond that happens on another continent, or others ... would be time to think, How long we'll be here?
Just to be clear that intentions do not come with fatalistic or cajole with the cliché that "the world ends arrepiéntense" only come with an idea that has been responsible to cover my thoughts and is, How long do the same?.
long will do the same, will be the same, if the schemes that have been shaping both collectively and individually, sometimes do not work, and if the solution would work because the expiration date.
Given the surprises that Mother Nature gives us, with a series of laws to which it applies, we understand ... I think it is time for us sorprendiéramos ourselves and we began to be agents of change in this world ... opposites exist and if there is a problem because there is also his opponent: THE SOLUTION.
up one day and dare to make a change positive in all this pill would be soothing to humanity ... at least something is starting.
Blessings to all. Your humble writer
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