Inogen is a small town in the province of Zaragoza. Situated on the crest of a small branch of the Sierra de Vicort (this casts its shadow over the village when the sun goes down behind). For me it is the Jerte Aragon. Surrounding area, cornered and filled valleys almond and cherry trees, these dates are set by the occasion and wear the bright colors of springtime.
The village street runs from high to low street and like many people, Dedes out, highlights the works of the parish church dedicated to San Miguel. XVI century. In its interior, the canvas depicting Santa Brigida, in the altarpiece holder Aragonese school of the seventeenth century. Contains a Christ Gothic wood carving of the late fifteenth century.
As historical data rather than quote: "In the Jurisdiction of Calatayud, granted by Alfonso I the Battler in 1131, the church appears Finogés. Also appears in 1310, in a match between the Bishop of Tarazona, and the prior and convent of the Holy Sepulchre on the fourth Episcopal churches Pietas and Inogen, shortly before donated to Santa Maria de Calatayud (1292), a change in place of Oseja with all its spiritual and temporal rights and a few bushels a year to Santa Maria. "
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